Organic Gardening for Beginners
Organic Gardening for Beginners
New to organic gardening? Then this is a useful resource for you as you begin to walk in the organic gardening world. Do you want to try the taste test between growing your own organic vegetables and various store bought produce? If you answered yes, then now is the time to start thinking and planning your own organic garden path.
eBook (pdf)
There is 32 pages of organic gardening information in this eBook. It will be sent to your email address provided at checkout as a pdf download which can be downloaded to your electronic device.
Topics include:
Why garden organically?
The risk of chemicals.
What is organic gardening?
Planning your garden.
Getting the soil ready.
Planting your garden.
Starting seeds indoors.
Controlling those weeds.
Controlling Pests.
Common garden pests.
Making your own compost.
Tending the garden
Wintering your garden.
Recipes for your organic garden, including: organic fertiliser, garlic pest control spray, dormant oil, homemade insecticidal soap, all purpose pest control spray, and, bug juice.